Below are crops comparing the Nikon D800 to the Canon 5D Mark III, Nikon D3X, Pentax 645D, Sigma SD1, and Sony A99. Though we normally start with ISO 1,600 here, we thought we'd start with the ISO 100 to show the best each camera can do. Note also that the 645D only goes to ISO 1,600, so crops will be absent at ISO 3,200 and 6,400.
NOTE: These images are best quality JPEGs straight out of the camera, at default settings including noise reduction. All cameras in this comparison were shot with our very sharp reference lenses.
Určitě jste už byli někdy nemile překvapeni, když jste i po velmi pečlivém měření měli snímek podexponovaný. Pokud jste použili velmi krátký nebo dlouhý čas, pak se nejspíš nejednalo o chybu expozimetru, ale o tzv. Schwarzschildův efekt.
Tato nepříjemnost se vyskytuje u velmi krátkých (1/8000 či 1/4000s) nebo velmi dlouhých (např. 120 sekund) expozičních časů. Teoreticky totiž platí, že by měl být zaručen identický výsledek, pokud se změnou jedné expoziční hodnoty zároveň změníme druhou tak, aby jejich vzájemný součin zůstal stejný. Znamenalo by to, že osvětlení 100 lx ("lux" je jednotka osvětlení) působící na film po dobu 1 s dá tentýž výsledek jako osvětlení 1 lx působící na citlivou vrstvu po dobu 100 s. Ve skutečnosti ale záleží také na vlastnostech světla i samotného filmu a tento teoretický (tzv. reciproční Bunsenův-Roscoeův) zákon platí jen přibližně a citlivé vrstvy filmů jsou vytvořeny tak, aby této teorii vyhovovaly při běžných expozičních časech...
pokračováni paladix
Thanks Coco Rocha for teaching poses Model Katya Shaposhnikova
Inside Coco Rocha's Wedding
Framed Show - Miss Aniela - The Fashion Shoot Experience
Sue Bryce: How to Photograph Different Body Types
How to Smile in Modeling Photos | Modeling
How to Do Modeling Poses | Modeling
Ford Models studio fashion shoot 8 photos
Behind the scenes at a recent photo shoot by Simon Gerzina for Ford Models, including the finished images: see how a mainstream fashion shoot comes together!
Biography and work of Wilson Bentley, pioneer of snowflake photography;
Don Komarechka, canadian based professional photographer, who recently published great book about snowflake photography, physics of ice crystals formation and many more;
And snowflake albums of excellent photographers on flickr:
Pamela Eveleigh
Detached Retina
Fred Widall
Mark Cassino
David Drexler
Kenneth Libbrecht
Conceptual Photography is one of the forms of presenting the ideas of
Photographer. These ideas convert into different expression like in symbolism
which can be interpreted by the viewer.
Usually, photographers have a specific meaning in different images that can be interpreted in many ways...
If you have more than one computer at your home to work on your photos with Lightroom, you might be wondering if there is a way to share your Lightroom catalog, so that you can work on the same images with the same catalog on multiple computers at once. Unfortunately, the database system that Lightroom runs on (SQLite) limits the catalog to be used on a single computer, on a locally attached drive. Hence, simultaneously accessing a single catalog with multiple machines is not supported and will not work...
LR4 on 2 computers Read more
Sync Lightroom Catalog with Google Drive
Inevitably, though, what would’ve been a deal-breaker is that Lightroom catalogs don’t really like to travel very much. Any of you who’ve attempted to work on the same catalog from multiple computers have most likely come across this beloved LR message “Note: Lightroom catalogs cannot be on network volumes or in read-only folder.” Finally, with the birth of Dropbox also came a solution to sync Lightroom catalogs between computers easily by essentially saving them locally to a shared folder...
How to share lightroom catalogs with different computers
Many people are frequently asking about using Lightroom on a multi-user environment:
- What is the easiest way to share Lightroom catalogs with different computers?
- Can two computers share ONE Lightroom catalog?
- How to share my Lightroom catalog with my laptop?
- Lightroom can be shared by different users on a server?
- Can a catalog be shared in Lightroom?
- How to put an Adobe Lightroom catalog on a network share?
- Does Lightroom support multiple users working on the same catalogue simultaneously (i.e. storing the db on a network share and sharing it among the users)?...
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How to Sync Photo Adjustments in the Develop Module in Lightroom
V poslední době často narážím na dotazy uživatelů, kteří by chtěli mít možnost pracovat se svými fotografiemi na více počítačích najednou. Často vymýšlejí velmi krkolomná řešení a nebo se utápějí v nekonečných sledech importů a exportů. Přitom snadné řešení existuje a to jak pro Apple Aperture, tak pro Adobe Lightroom...
The Nikon D600 should be the perfect enthusiast camera with it’s fantastic specs, great low light performance, and an affordable price point for a full frame sensor. However, many reviewers and blogs have been raising concerns over a severe dust issue. Dust has reportedly been collecting on the upper left corner of the sensor at an unusually high rate...
When I was in Korea earlier this year, my friend and fellow street photographer David Kim shared a TED talk with me titled: “How great leaders inspire action.” David holds a leadership position at his job, and he told me that this talk changed the way how he lead others and how he leads his own life. Needless to say, I was fascinated by the talk and after watching it – it changed my life.
The Golden Circle: Focusing on the “Why” not the “What” or “How”
So how does this concept of the “golden circle” apply to street photographers?
A shift in my street photography & the “3 Why Principle”
It is often said that photography is a visual language. Through our photographs we tell stories, share experiences, and communicate emotions. Aside from journalism, where faithful captures are important for ethics reasons, photography is often about creatively interpreting a scene, rather than simply recording what is in front of the lens...
This is Part 2 of a 3-part series on creative color effects using Lightroom 4. In Part 1 of the series, I discussed shifting White Balance either warmer or cooler for creative effect. In this article I will explain Split Toning, and also give you some ideas for using creative white balance and split toning together for even more color control.
Efficient Lightroom Workflow for High Resolution Images D800
It seems that the continuous increase of megapixels in our digital cameras is inevitable. Year after year, camera sensors are getting better, image resolution is increasing and file sizes are getting bigger. If just several years ago 10 megapixels was plenty for a DSLR, that number has grown way higher lately, thanks to such fine tools as the Nikon D800. This increase of resolution and file sizes clearly puts a load on our quickly aging computers as well. Larger files require more storage and post-processing images in Lightroom and Photoshop is taking longer due to insufficient computing power and resources, dramatically slowing down our photography workflow process...
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In this article, I will show you an example of how I process portraits (before and after) and what my portrait editing workflow is like. Many of our readers ask how I post-process my images for my wedding blog and I decided to put together a quick example. Obviously, every image is different, so while some photos take very little of my time in Lightroom, others might take a while to process in Lightroom and Photoshop. This image in particular is from our recent “Bridesmaids Photoshoot“, a collaborative effort by many talented individuals in Colorado.
For any portrait work, it is best to shoot RAW. First, because the skin tone is very important and any white balance issues can be quickly taken care of in post-processing and second, because
Photoshop CS5: Portrait Retouching with Chris Orwig
In Photoshop CS5: Portrait Retouching, professional photographer and instructor Chris Orwig uses his extensive experience with Photoshop to focus on the specific tools every photographer needs to adjust images and keep them looking genuine. This course explores this program's deep resources for portrait retouching and inspires photographers to do their creative best with everything from blemishes to backdrops. Exercise files are included with the course.